Saturday, August 4, 2012

Un Caballo Malo!

El 2 de agosto
I rode a horse, then the horse rode me. 

El 3 de agosto
I woke up this morning at about 8:45 with a slightly blue lip, a bruised upper thigh and a swollen right hand.  I iced my hand last night, but everything swelled a bit more overnight.  I don’t think I will ever forget falling off a horse into the water and watching that same horse frantically turn around and basically beat the crap out of me.  I’ve never in my life thought I was going to die until I saw that horse come down on top of me.  As worse as it might sound to have been in the water instead of on dry land, I actually think this was a blessing.  The water slowed the horse down, and when he made contact with me twice, once with his hoof and once with his face, the water softened the blows.  My body hitting the ground would have been much worse.  
To make things even worse, after the underwater battle, I was forced to get back on the same horse and ride him back to the farm.  Have you ever heard that animals sense fear in a person?  Well, it’s true.  Equs (the horse) was much more agitated and nervous.  I really don’t think he was shaken up from trying to get out of the water; however, he sensed my nervous energy.  He started neighing and rearing.  But oh, it gets better.  As if riding an agitated horse that just showed you who’s boss isn’t bad enough, Equs caught wind of a beautiful mare whose mane was blowing in the wind.  Have you ever seen a horse in heat?  If Ricardo (our tour guide) hadn’t been there to break them up, I would have been a part of a horse mating ritual.  (Seriously, I’m not making this stuff up.)
When we returned to the farm after the adventure, Nydia (the sister of Cecilia who was with us at the farm) told me she was a “bruja” (this translates to “witch” in English; however in this family, “bruja” is someone who practices natural medicine).  To calm me, she rubbed scented oil on my forehead and behind my ears.  She then treated my hand with ointment followed by ice.  
BUENO . . . today is a new day :)  I’m moving a bit slower than yesterday, but I am alive with no broken bones to tell the story of losing a fight with a horse.  HA.  And I was worried about getting kidnapped by a drug-lord.

Here's a video of the past two days:

And I dedicate this one to Equs:


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